Thursday, July 04, 2019


See the source imageInstapundit Blog Archive-- BUT DON’T QUESTION THEIR PATRIOTISM
Gallup: Pride in being an American reaches modern low — thanks to rock-bottom numbers from Democrats. 
“The current Democratic numbers are less than half what they were during the darkest days of the Iraq war. 
I blogged during that period and, let me tell you, I never dreamed that Democratic animosity towards a Republican president would be worse than it was then.” 
Bush Derangement Syndrome was a pale shadow of Trump Derangement Syndrome.
Plus: “In lieu of an exit question, here’s a Trump-sized dook that was dropped on the NYT op-ed page yesterday because, I guess, there’s only one mood a right-thinking liberal newspaper can properly have when Independence Day rolls around. 
Actual title of this piece: ‘Please Stop Telling Me America Is Great.’ 
It’d make a terrific Democratic slogan in 2020.”--Posted by 

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