Thursday, July 04, 2019

Harvard Law Professor Says Pro-Life Christians Should be Treated Like Nazis |

Harvard Law Professor Says Pro-Life Christians Should be Treated Like Nazis |
"Every day, it seems, the United States is becoming a more hostile environment for people with pro-life and conservative positions.
...A recent article by Harvard law professor Mark Tushnet on the blog Balkinization calls for liberals to pursue even more aggressive measures against conservatives and pro-lifers, according to a new column by The Heritage Foundation’s Ryan T. Anderson.
Anderson wrote at The Daily Signal:
See the source image...Tushnet blames what he calls the “culture wars” on conservatives, and he says liberals should now make conservatives pay.
“The culture wars are over; they lost, we won,” he writes in italics.
Tushnet claims that conservatives “had opportunities to reach a cease fire, but rejected them in favor of a scorched earth policy.”
… Tushnet makes it clear that he and his colleagues among the liberal elite want the government to treat conservative Christians worse than racists—like Nazis.
Tushnet said liberals should take a strong “hard line (‘You lost, live with it’)” approach to conservatives, including all pro-lifers (some liberals also oppose abortion), not allowing any “accommodations” or compromises..."
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