Thursday, July 04, 2019

Please, keep the Dream alive-----It's Independence Day, Not Just the Fourth of July

It's Independence Day, Not Just the Fourth of July
"Born in Russia, Ayn Rand was an American by choice and conviction. 
See the source imageFor profound reasons, she regarded the United States of America as “the greatest, the noblest and, in its original founding principles, the only moral country in the history of the world.” 
She once said: “If it is ever proper for men to kneel, we should kneel when we read the Declaration of Independence.”
...On July 4, we commemorate political independence from England and pay tribute to the Founders’ moral vision of the sovereign individual who deserves freedom to live by his own independent judgment. 
But to achieve that ideal in the twenty-first century, we desperately need Ayn Rand’s perspective on individual rights and how government can protect them. 
Here are some resources for those who want to explore the deeper significance of Independence Day:

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