Eric Ivers - From Quora: What advantage was there to Hillary...From Quora:
"What advantage was there to Hillary Clinton in putting e-mails on her own server?
Gordon Miller, Entrepreneur and Investor-Updated Jul 1
"Ironically, I am uniquely qualified to answer this question.
From 2004–2005, I was the lead functional architect for the State Messaging Archive Retrieval Toolset (SMART), the official e-mail system of the US Department of State.
When I started on the team, it was under the leadership of Sec. Powell.
He had his own e-mail server, but it was in the server room owned by the State Department.
When Sec. Rice took over she too had her own server, but it was again on site in the server room. Neither had servers in their own residences or at a 3rd party location.
Powell did use his AOL account, but not for classified e-mails.
When I designed the workflow for the official e-mail system, I insisted that there be two features that were not negotiable.
1) All e-mails had to be cleared by 2 people, even the ones from the Sec State. That didn’t go over well since the SecState wanted authority to clear and approve their own message. I said NO.
2) Every message, approved or not, had a copy routed to a lock box where no access was possible by anyone except for audit or law enforcement purposes.
Both of these features were not popular, but it was the only way that I was going to design the system.
Finally, they agreed and I handed off the designs to the engineering team and they implemented it. The reason that Hillary Clinton had her own e-mail servers was because there was no way around the safeguards that I insisted be put into place to prevent just this type of problem from happening. Hillary didn’t want her Pay for Play e-mails and Clinton Foundation e-mails to be forever in the system of record for the US Dept of State.
So, the advantage that you asked about is so that she could run amok unhindered by the checks and balances that were put in place to avoid such corruption.
It is worth noting that the system went live January 1, 2009, 3 weeks before Obama was sworn in and would have been required for Sec. Clinton to use when she took office.
When Sec. Powell and Sec. Rice were there, an official system didn’t exist yet, so that is the difference that the mainstream media refused to report accurately."
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