Sunday, August 11, 2019

FBI kept using Steele dossier for FISA applications despite documenting ex-spy's bias, documents show | Fox News

FBI kept using Steele dossier for FISA applications despite documenting ex-spy's bias, documents show | Fox News:
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"This is just the tip of the iceberg," Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., told Fox News' "Hannity" Thursday evening. "I know personally there's a lot more out there."
The summaries of FBI interviews with Ohr, known as 302s, indicated that Ohr knew by September 2016 -- a month before the initial FISA application to surveil the Trump campaign -- that an individual with links to the dossier was "desperate that Donald Trump not get elected and was passionate about him not being the U.S. President.”

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