Five years ago, on August 9, 2014, Michael Brown was shot and killed in Ferguson, Missouri, by police officer Darren Wilson. The death, and the claim that Brown was shot with his hands up asking not to shoot, sparked riots and launched the Black Lives Matter Movement to national prominence.
But the narrative was based on a lie. Brown was shot because he attacked and attempted to take Wilson’s pistol. His hands weren’t up, and he didn’t ask not to shoot, as an Obama-Holder Justice Department investigation later proved.
Yet on this 5th Anniversary, the lies are being spread again by many people, including by presidential candidates Kamala Harris and Elizabeth Warren, who falsely claim Brown was murdered.
On the two-year anniversary of Brown’s shooting, I summarized the case and evidence. I don’t have much more to add. The truth hasn’t changed. 
Here is that post again:

Two years ago Michael Brown died, and a movement based on lies was born

On August 9, 2014, Ferguson, MO, Police Officer Darren Wilson shot dead Michael Brown.
Our first post about it was on August 11, 2014, as rioting broke out. We kept the coverage non-evaluative. We learned from prior cases, such as Trayvon Martin, not to accept at face value racial and other narratives being spun. We also learned from events such as the Boston Marathon and Newtown shootings that initial facts reported by the media often are wrong.
We embedded this news reports of the looting:
Within days, various supposed eyewitnesses would claim Brown was a passive victim — an account we now know to be untrue — as summarized in this MSNBC report we posted on August 13, 2014:
It did not take long, however, for facts to come out indicating that all may not be as it seemed, as we posted on August 15, 2014, UPDATED: Brown Was a Robbery Suspect, Cop Identified in #Ferguson:
Michael Brown Convenience Store
Very soon thereafter, it became obvious that the narrative of the Brown case would be “hands up, don’t shoot,” in which an innocent Brown was mercilessly gunned down for no reason as he attempted to submit.
That narrative and the racial angles on the case seemed to be just as much a fabrication as the initial narrative in the Trayvon Marting case, as Andrew Branca noted on August 19, 2014, Misleading Initial Narrative of Zimmerman-Martin Case Applied in Ferguson..."
Much here, read all!