Monday, August 19, 2019

KLAVAN: If You’re Outraged, You’re An Idiot | Daily Wire

KLAVAN: If You’re Outraged, You’re An Idiot | Daily Wire:
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Outrage Culture is the Left's latest attempt to end an argument they can't win. Leftism wrecks economies and endangers America's historically unique commitment to individual liberty. Since every leftist ideal from socialism to disarming the populace is a threat to our founding ideals, and since any open debate will expose that threat, the Left spends an inordinate amount of time inventing new strategies to try to force the opposition into silence.
Political correctness is such a strategy: If you don't use our words, you're evil. Calling people racist, white nationalist, white supremacist and Hitler — another strategy: as if the only possible reason you could want to enforce the rule of law at our borders is because you don't like brown people! Pretending to take jokes seriously is yet another strategy. And so on.

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