Tuesday, August 06, 2019

Mulvaney: Shootings Not Trump Fault — 'I Blame the People Who Pulled The Trigger' | Breitbart

Mulvaney: Shootings Not Trump Fault — 'I Blame the People Who Pulled The Trigger' | Breitbart:

Image result for flickr commons images White House Chief of Staff Mick Mulvaney Sunday on NBC’s “Meet the Press,” acting White House Chief of Staff Mick Mulvaney said President Donald Trump should not be blamed for mass shootings.
Mulvaney said, “I blame the people who pulled the triggers. Is someone really blaming the president? These people are sick. And until we address why people think this way. This young man —let’s be clear, we know nothing about the shooter in Dayton, we’re just talking about the shooter in El Paso. This was a sick person. You can go and read the things the person wrote, now available to the public, making the person famous.”

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