Wednesday, August 21, 2019

N.Y. Times rewrites history: Chooses new date for America's birth - WND

N.Y. Times rewrites history: Chooses new date for America's birth - WND:

Image result for flickr commons images new york timesLimbaugh commented Monday: “That’s the New York Times rewriting the founding of America and rewriting American history. It’s another hoax! The Russia hoax bombed out. The Covington kids hoax bombed out. They’ve tried a number of different hoaxes to get rid of Trump, and they have all blown up, and they are at their wits’ end. They are unable to harness any kind of sanity, folks. I think this hatred of Trump has rendered them poisoned.
“Stop and put yourself in their shoes,” he suggested. “These are the people that are able to get rid of any politician or any public figure they want at any time, including presidents. They are able to destroy the credibility of people. They’re able to ruin administrations. They are able to, in the case of Nixon, actually get rid of one. But the point is in their minds they set their sights on somebody and they’re able to take ’em out.”

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