Wednesday, August 07, 2019

Prof calls to get rid of grades because they are 'capitalism in action'

Prof calls to get rid of grades because they are 'capitalism in action'
"A New York professor is calling for the abolition of grades.  
He claims they are not only unfair to students, but that they are a means of propping up capitalism, and as such, academia would be better off doing away with grading entirely.
“Grading takes up much of my time that could be better spent on teaching or otherwise directly interacting with students,” New School professor
...Wolff could face an uphill battle selling this idea to students. 
In March, Campus Reform visited Florida International University to ask students who support socialism whether they would also support the system being applied to their grades. 
Most students were not fans of the idea. 


digicashceo said...

We do the surfing so you can be informed AND have a life!

Yeah, because that's the BEST way to stay informed! Because there's OBVIOUSLY no BIAS on this blog! I'll believe whatever you tell me!

Jim Riley said...
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