Wednesday, August 07, 2019

Read all, 2 stories in one!-----Another Headline the New York Times Has to Rewrite - WSJ

Another Headline the New York Times Has to Rewrite - WSJ
"On Monday night the New York Times changed an accurate headline for its Tuesday print edition after some Twitter users complained that it was insufficiently critical of President Donald Trump. 
A new court decision on another Times story related to gun violence suggests that abandoning journalistic standards can carry a heavy price.See the source image
Monday night’s early front-page Times headline, “Trump Urges Unity Vs. Racism,” fairly described Mr. Trump’s remarks at the White House. 
But after various angry tweets, the next edition’s headline, “Assailing Hate But Not Guns,” included a subtle gripe that the President had not immediately adopted a more liberal position on gun policy in the wake of weekend shootings.
...In any case, the headlines still to be written about another controversy are likely of much greater concern at the Times. 
On Tuesday, a three-judge panel of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit revived former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin’s 2017 defamation lawsuit against the newspaper. 
See the source imageSpecifically, the court has vacated a district judge’s dismissal of her case.
Mrs. Palin sued the newspaper after it falsely accused her political organization of inspiring a shooting. 
In a June 14, 2017 editorial following James Hodgkinson’s attempted assassination of Republican legislators, the Times recycled a bogus claim that Mrs. Palin’s political action committee had incited Jared Loughner to shoot Rep. Gabrielle Giffords in a 2011 attack that also wounded others and killed six. 
This fake news about Mrs. Palin had been thoroughly debunked years earlier. 
The smear relied on a map published by her SarahPAC showing crosshairs on various congressional districts, including Ms. Giffords’, that Republicans wanted to flip to the GOP column. 
But there was no evidence that Loughner had ever seen the map and his obsession with Ms. Giffords had begun years before..."
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