Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Renewable energy is a blackout risk, warns National Grid after chaos during biggest outage in a decade | Watts Up With That?

Image result for wind power failRenewable energy is a blackout risk, warns National Grid after chaos during biggest outage in a decade | Watts Up With That?

  • Company has downplayed the role of wind energy in the power cut
  • In April a study warned renewable power sources could risk network’s ‘stability’
  • Half UK’s power generated from wind at one point on the day the power failed
The company, which is responsible for keeping the lights on, has downplayed the role of wind energy in the power cut that caused widespread chaos earlier this month.
National Grid had evidence that the shift to renewable energy was putting Britain’s electricity supply at risk months before the biggest blackout in a decade, The Mail on Sunday can reveal..."
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