Sunday, August 11, 2019

Senate hearing exposes 'massive scale' election meddling: 'These companies are going to go all out' in 2020 - TheBlaze

Senate hearing exposes 'massive scale' election meddling: 'These companies are going to go all out' in 2020 - TheBlaze:
Image result for flickr commons images hillary clinton
During his testimony, Epstein, a lifelong liberal who has been researching the impact of Google for more than six years, told Cruz that in 2016 Google pushed "between 2.6 and 10.4 million votes" to Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton through "search engine manipulation effect, the search suggestion effect, the answer bot effect, and a number of others."
"The methods they are using are invisible. They're subliminal. They are more powerful than most any effects I've ever seen in behavioral sciences, and I've been in behavioral sciences for almost 40 years," Epstein said.

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