Saturday, September 28, 2019

LUNCH VIDEO: Australian Broadcaster Shares A Big Dose Of Reality For 'Climate Strike' Students

VIDEO: Australian Broadcaster Shares A Big Dose Of Reality For 'Climate Strike' Students
"Students from around the world skipped school on Friday to protest climate change. They also expressed a desire to rid the world of the use of fossil fuels like coal.
Do they really know what they’re doing? No, they don’t. Our children are being brainwashed by educators and the media to be fearful and anxious that the world will end by 2030 if we don’t act to prevent climate change.
Here’s a message for all the kids who walked out of school to protest climate change:
“Virtue-signaling little turds”
Heres a message for all the kids who have walked out of school today to protest climate change.

Embedded video

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