Tuesday, September 03, 2019

New York is running out of fuel, power — just as Cuomo planned

See the source imageNew York is running out of fuel, power — just as Cuomo planned
"Gov. Andrew Cuomo doubled down last week on his blame-the-messenger approach to New York’s growing shortage of natural-gas supplies by ordering the Department of Public Service to “broaden its investigation” of National Grid and threatening to “find another franchisee.”
Anything, rather than admit that his own policies are at fault.
The utility has stopped taking new gas customers in parts of Long Island, Brooklyn and Queens where it can’t handle the new demand — because Team Cuomo vetoed the proposed Williams pipeline to bring in supplies from New Jersey. 
(Jersey is also blocking the pipeline, since Gov. Phil Murphy is appeasing the same green extremists.)
National Grid gave months of warning that it would need to impose the moratorium if fresh supplies weren’t ensured.
Con Ed did the same in advance of its recent new-biz moratorium in most of Westchester, which was also prompted in good part by the nixing of new pipelines.
This is the point of the years long green war on pipelines: You can’t burn gas or oil you can’t get..."
Read all.

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