Friday, September 06, 2019

Trump Is a Racist. If You Still Support Him, So Are You.

Trump Is a Racist. If You Still Support Him, So Are You.:

  • The president keeps baring his ass, and the people talking about his clothing as he does so are part of the problem.

"The president is a racist, in his words and his actions.
Before you go clutching your pearls and extolling the virtues of “civility,” let me say this: 
Put a sock in it.
This is not a new revelation, nor is it something that we can continue to ignore as though it were coming from a drunk uncle at the family barbecue. 
Bigotry is dangerous and, coming from our nation’s commander in chief, it can mean an inability to recognize individual humanity and a failure to act with moral authority in times of crisis. 
Every person talking about his clothes as he cheerfully bares his ass is part of the problem..."
Read all.

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