Tuesday, September 03, 2019

Wishing for economic collapse!-----3 out of 4 economists predict a U.S. recession by 2021, survey finds - The Washington Post

See the source image3 out of 4 economists predict a U.S. recession by 2021, survey finds - The Washington Post
"Most economists believe the United States will tip into recession by 2021, a new survey shows, despite White House insistence the economy is sound.
Nearly 3 out of 4 economists surveyed by the National Association for Business Economics expect a recession by 2021, according to poll results released Monday.
...Larry Kudlow, Trump’s economic adviser, made a similar assurances on the Sunday morning talk shows.
“We’re doing pretty darn well in my judgment. Let’s not be afraid of optimism,” he said, adding that low interest rates could boost demand for houses and cars..."
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