Tuesday, October 08, 2019

History for October 8

See the source image
History for October 8 - On-This-Day.com
Eddie Rickenbacker 1890, Paul Hogan 1939 - Actor ("Crocodile Dundee" movies), Jesse Jackson 1941 - Civil rights leader
Image result for eddie rickenbacker quotes  Image result for Crocodile DundeeImage result for jesse jackson sharpton

Chevy Chase 1943 - Actor, comedian, Sigourney Weaver 1949 - Actress,  Matt Damon 1970 - Actor

Image result for Chevy ChaseImage result for Sigourney WeaverImage result for Matt Damon

1970 - Soviet author Alexander Solzhenitsyn won the Nobel Prize for literature.
Image result for Alexander Solzhenitsyn won the Nobel Prize for literature.

1993 - The U.S. government issued a report absolving the FBI of any wrongdoing in its final assault in Waco, TX, on the Branch Davidian compound. The fire that ended the siege killed as many as 85 people.
Image result for FBI final assault in Waco, TX,

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