Tuesday, October 08, 2019

VICTOR DAVIS HANSON ---Trump Impeachment Inquiry: Hoaxes & Smears on Endless Loop | National Review

Trump Impeachment Inquiry: Hoaxes & Smears on Endless Loop | National Review
"'Groundbreaking’ disclosures fall apart, hoaxes are exposed, the media are discredited, over and over and over again.
What do the Kavanaugh hearings, Jussie Smollett, the Covington kids, the Mueller investigation, and now the Trump phone call all have in common?
See the source imageStaged melodrama, media collusion hysteria, progressive demands that justice be served immediately, promises of walls-are-closing-in blockbuster revelations from new witnesses, supposed surprise revelatory documents, fusions between Democratic politicians and Washington bureaucrats — and then bust, nada, and teeth-gnashing as the truth catches up to various rumor-mongers.
The disgraced purveyors of lies — a Susan Blasey Ford, Michael Avenatti, Nathan Phillips, Jussie Smollet, Adam Schiff — for a time go mute, content with progressives’ praise that they lied for a moral cause and almost pulled it off..."

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