Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Cult Is as Cult Does :: SteynOnline

Cult Is as Cult Does :: SteynOnline
"...I have the slightest of acquaintances with Kellyanne (Conway), having been honored at the same event in Washington and enjoyed the pleasure of dining with her and her young 'uns. 
Image result for George ConwayNo one other than the two principals can know the reality of a marriage, but I cannot imagine so loathing Donald Trump (which is after all a routine ailment throughout Washington, Manhattan and Beverly Hills) that I would be willing to do what George Conway is doing to his wife and the mother of his children. 
Vanity Fair's Gabriel Sherman reports that Conway describes Kellyanne as "in a cult" and that their home life cannot heal "until she's cast out of the cult"
He is said to want to save his marriage, and, as all relationship consultants will tell you, the best way to save a marriage is to go on MSNBC and attack your wife's boss so that CNN can play it back to embarrass her in person a few hours later.
Who's the cult member here?..."
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