Thursday, November 07, 2019

Detroit Institute of Arts seeks millage renewal despite pledge in 2012

See the source imageDetroit Institute of Arts seeks millage renewal despite pledge in 2012
"The Detroit Institute of Arts will seek a renewal of its 10-year millage on Wayne, Oakland and Macomb property owners in March, despite claiming in 2012 that the museum would be self-sufficient after the tax expired.
The current 0.2-mill, 10-year property tax won't lapse until 2022, but the museum has decided to act during a presidential primary, rather than wait for an off-year ballot when its prospects might be dimmer.
...In moving for early renewal, the museum, with an annual operating budget of $38 million, is following the lead of the Detroit Zoo, which won a renewal of its 10-year millage in 2016 two years before its expiration..."
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