Friday, November 22, 2019

Documents reveal massive 'dark-money' group boosted Democrats in 2018 - POLITICO

Documents reveal massive 'dark-money' group boosted Democrats in 2018 - POLITICO
"A little-known nonprofit called The Sixteen Thirty Fund pumped $140 million into Democratic and left-leaning causes.
Image result for dark moneyThe “green wave” of campaign cash that boosted Democrats and liberal causes in 2018 included an unprecedented gusher of secret money, new documents obtained by POLITICO show.
The Sixteen Thirty Fund, a little-known nonprofit headquartered in Washington, spent $141 million on more than 100 left-leaning causes during the midterm election year, according to a new tax filing from the group.
The money contributed to efforts ranging from fighting Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh and other Trump judicial nominees to boosting ballot measures raising the minimum wage and changing laws on voting and redistricting in numerous states.
The spending was fueled by massive anonymous donations, including one gift totaling $51.7 million..."
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