Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Michigan Capitol Confidential - Posts

Image result for overpaidMichigan Capitol Confidential - Posts
"At a recent Ann Arbor school board meeting, teacher Alison Eberts recited the superintendent’s salary of $268,337 and then noted, “I’m not used to numbers that high.”
The compensation of some Michigan school district superintendents has also caught the attention of some lawmakers.
Republican State Rep. Matt Maddock introduced House Bill 5258 to prohibit school districts from paying superintendents a salary greater than four times a starting teacher’s salary at the district, or three times the average teacher’s salary at the district.
The bill was cosponsored by GOP Reps. Ryan Berman and Gary Eisen.
The average salary of an Ann Arbor teacher in 2017-18 was $71,546. 
The lowest level of starting salaries for an Ann Arbor teacher is $41,342.
That would cap the superintendent’s salary at $214,638 (three times the average teacher’s salary).
The lower salary of four times the starting teacher’s salary was $165,368."
Read all. 

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