Thursday, November 07, 2019

Pot still OK!-----Measure 1A: Summit voters take stand on nicotine and tobacco, pass new tax |

Measure 1A: Summit voters take stand on nicotine and tobacco, pass new tax |
Relatively few smoke. 
Hopefully giant taxes soon to come on 
  • alcohol (a major killer and deadly carbon footprint!)
  • gasoline (to reduce accidents it's best not to drive.)
  • skiing (Honeybunch and I have been in various hospitals in/near Frisco over the last 6 years. Painful and expensive!)
  • gravity (Global-Gravity kills more people in Frisco than ANY other killer) 
  • DiHydrogen Monoxide (everyone knows anything containing "monoxide" is a killer!)
FRISCO — Tobacco is about to get a lot more expensive in Summit County.
See the source image...The ballot measure, known as 1A, will increase the sales tax on cigarettes to $4 per pack, along with a hefty 40% increase in sales tax for all other nicotine and tobacco products — including e-cigarettes and other vaping devices — that will increase 10% annually for four years through 2024.
For officials, the move was important in helping to ensure a healthy and vibrant community moving forward.
...The measure passed with about 73% of the vote, with 6,321 voters coming out in favor of the new tax compared with 2,292 opposing it.
Read all!

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