Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Teacher group asking for laws to help deal with violent students | KOKH

Image result for violent students in the classroom on a daily basis.Teacher group asking for laws to help deal with violent students | KOKH
"Oklahoma City, Okla. (KOKH) — "You don't always hear the stories, but some teachers deal with violent students in the classroom on a daily basis.
Now, teachers want more say in how they are disciplined.
“He would kick, he bit, he punched, myself and the students," said Mandy McCleod, a teacher in Southeast Oklahoma about a student.
"At one point I was headbutted in the face. Crayon boxes were thrown across the room."
McCleod, a teacher for eight years, shared her stories with dozens of other teachers meeting at the State Capitol.
She wasn't surprised to hear others had similar ones..."
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