Tuesday, November 05, 2019

The Deadliest Lynching in US History Was NOT Against Blacks, it Was Against Italian-Americans - The Red Elephants

Image result for deadliest lynching in American history Italian Americans,The Deadliest Lynching in US History Was NOT Against Blacks, it Was Against Italian-Americans - The Red Elephants
"While the media freaks out about Trump using the word ‘lynching,’ calling him insensitive to the struggle of blacks in America, I’d like to remind you that history matters.
Anyone who isn’t sub 90 IQ knows that the deadliest lynching in American history was against Italian Americans, and there is historical consensus about this...
What Happened?
Commissioner David Hennessy – a police chief in New Orleans – was ambushed and killed by four men near his home in October 1890.
It is thought that with his dying words, he blamed the attack on Italian immigrants.
A large Italian community had moved to the city after the civil war and the abolition of slavery, to take up jobs that had formerly been done by slaves.
Following Hennessy’s death, officials rounded up Italian immigrants – according to some reports, they apprehended thousands..."
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