Thursday, November 21, 2019

Today’s Liberal Media Fail | Power Line

Image result for never trust the mediaToday’s Liberal Media Fail | Power Line
"A left-wing doofus at the United Nations did an analysis of how many children are “in detention” in countries around the world, and concluded that the U.S. has more than anyone else–presumably as a result of the flood of illegal immigrants at our Southern border. 
Pretty much every news organization in the world jumped on the story: the Associated Press, Reuters, NBC News, NPR, the Huffington Post, all the usual suspects.
But then a funny thing happened. 
The U.N. guy explained that his number for children detained in the U.S. was not current, but dated from 2015. 
That is, during the Obama administration. 
So news organizations were faced with a dilemma. 
What to do? 
As Ed Driscoll notes, some, like AFP and Reuters, simply deleted their articles. 
This screen shot shows how Reuters handled it:

No replacement story? 
Actually, there is still a story here, and a rather interesting one at that. 
It just isn’t a story that Reuters is interested in telling. 
That is the left-wing media world in which we live."

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