Saturday, January 04, 2020

Beclownings: Top 25 Ridiculous Democrat Moments of 2019 - American Thinker

Beclownings: Top 25 Ridiculous Democrat Moments of 2019 - American Thinker
"Democrats are a lot of annoying and awful things, and God forbid they should roll back into power in the next election. 
But they're also ridiculous, obnoxious, sanctimonious, constantly getting caught unawares of how preposterous their positions have placed them. 
It takes a whole lot of piety, hypocrisy, and phoniness to achieve some of the heights they've reached in the past year. 
Here's my bottom-up selection of the top 25 beclownings for 2019:
25. Edelweiss: The New York Times's Maggie Haberman, ever quick to find a reason to call President Trump a 'Nazi' ignorantly tweeted that the president's playing of anti-Nazi anthem 'Edelweiss' from the 'Sound of Music' was Nazi stuff. 
Read all, it gets worse.

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