Tuesday, January 07, 2020

"Here's some "inside baseball" insights regarding recent "Healthy Michigan"

Michigan Republican Precinct Delegates--Patrick Colbeck shared a link.
"Here's some "inside baseball" insights regarding recent "Healthy Michigan" (aka Section 2001 of Obamacare or Medicaid Expansion) article. 
The reason this story was published is because supporters of "Healthy Michigan" (i.e. hospitals, health plans, and Lansing swamp working on behalf of them) want to "shape the battlefield" in preparation for pending "reform" or "technical fix" legislation. 
If our elected officials were to follow the law, "Healthy Michigan" would be automatically repealed this year due to triggers in existing law that revolve around actually saving taxpayers money. 
This article indicates they do not intend to enforce existing law. 
Be wary of any legislation touching MCL 400.105, 400.105a, 400.106, 400.107, 400.108, and 400.109c.
You want more money for roads? 
Encourage our elected officials to follow law and $1.2B+ would be available with repeal of Medicaid Expansion in Michigan. 
Remember, right after increasing your gas taxes, the supporters of "Healthy Michigan" in legislature moved ~$400M from Transportation budget to fill potholes in Medicaid Expansion😉
P.S. Best way to care for our poor on Medicaid is to repeal Certificate of Need and promote Direct Primary Care.

Former Gov. Rick Snyder said Michigan's Medicaid expansion could be a model for other states; new research supports this

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