Sunday, January 12, 2020

Much here that makes sense! Read all.-----Why Conservative Women Are So Pretty

Why Conservative Women Are So PrettyWhy Conservative Women Are So Pretty
  • The women of the Right are allowed to believe things that the women of the Left are not. 
  • It sets them free to be themselves. 
  • And that’s beautiful.
"Three years ago I attended the Conservative Political Action Conference and was struck by something I later concluded was probably a figment of my imagination. 
This year I returned, and, rather than having my recollection dispelled, it was confirmed.
The young women who attend CPAC are spectacular. 
No kidding: 
What’s up with this concentration of incredibly attractive young, conservative women? 
It’s noticeable and remarkable. 
They are beautiful and stylish in the way French women often are, which is to say in their own way, not in a conforming or predictable way. 
...Maybe it is for these reasons and many similar ones that the women of CPAC walk with a bounce in their step and a light in their eyes, and maybe that is the engine of their attractiveness, the source of their ability to light up the room. 
They don’t mind being—no, they revel in being—attractive and stylish and a woman in any way they choose to do that, and they make short, confident work of the notion that they ought to, instead, get hip to the struggle and head for gender studies class.
They don’t mind being—no, they revel in being—attractive and stylish and a woman in any way they choose.
Whatever it is, it is real, and when you get down to it, what it looks like is redemption. 
Check it out: It will make you feel good about America..."
Read all.

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