Monday, February 24, 2020

Will Democrats Take Up Arms to Remove 'Dictator' Trump or Are They All Talk?

Will Democrats Take Up Arms to Remove 'Dictator' Trump or Are They All Talk?
"I want to know why you Democrats are such cowards that you have not yet launched another civil war to free America of the totalitarian nightmare of President Donald J. Trump. 
See the source image
I mean, if he’s truly Hitler 2: Electric Boogeyman, then isn’t it your sacred duty to remove this cancer on our body politic with arms if necessary? 
...Your hero, Jerry Nadler, while on parole from the chocolate factory, told the Senate this about our elected president: "Only his will goes. He is a dictator. This must not stand and that is another reason he must be removed from office."
...But since this is a threat to our democracy, because Trump is a non-leftist dictator, aren’t you guys morally obligated to take action and remove him? 
...Go home to your mom’s basements, dorms, tacky urban apartments and billionaire mansions and get your guns and…
...And even Eric Swalwell can in charge of chemical weapons and poison gas.
...Words actually mean something. 
“Dictator” means something, and a lot of Americans have had experience with real ones either before moving here or while deployed. 
So, the next time you pampered prisses want to spew your MSNBC-approved rhetoric, save it.
Pick up a weapon or shut the hell up."

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