Saturday, March 07, 2020

Global Warming's 50 Years of Fraud - American Thinker

Global Warming's 50 Years of Fraud - American Thinker
"The that humans, CO2, and fossil fuels cause warming and climate change. 
This warming causes the ice to melt in Alaska, then the melting ice causes sea levels to rise and the rising sea levels will cause coastal cities to be underwater.
They have predicted the coastal cities to disappear for the last 100 years and they have been wrong for 100 years.
...Here is a small sample of predictions and fear articles over the years.

  • 1922-Article by AP in Washington Post and elsewhere saying icecaps were melting, oceans were dying, and coastal cities would disappear.
  • 1970-First Earth Day. We were scared with articles that billions would die soon from catastrophic cooling.
  • 1975-Newsweek-Doom and gloom article called “The Cooling World”
  • 1989-Back to warming. The UN essentially repeated the warnings from 1922 article and said we only had ten years to solve the problem.
  • 2008-ABC ran fear story saying much of Miami and New York City would be under water by 2015.
  • 2019- The UN again repeated the same warnings from 1922 and 1989 and again we have only ten years left.
How did the Earth cool so much from 1945 to 1976 that we got warnings of catastrophic cooling if rising CO2, humans and fossil fuels cause warming? 
The answer is there is no correlation between CO2, population, fossil fuel use and temperature..."
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