Saturday, March 07, 2020

NY Times: Hillary Clinton Approved Russian Uranium Deal After $2 Million Donation to Clinton Foundation

NY Times: Hillary Clinton Approved Russian Uranium Deal After $2 Million Donation to Clinton Foundation:
See the source image"The New York Times is suggesting Hillary Clinton took actions as secretary of state because of financial donations that were made to the Clinton Foundation by Russians pushing for a Canadian uranium company.
The Times reported in an explosive piece on Thursday that Canadian records show the chairman of Russian-owned Uranium One gave over $2 million in donations to the Clinton Foundation, which the Clintons’ didn’t disclose. 
At the same time, Russia pushed for control of a Canadian Uranium company.
A Kremlin-connected bank promoting stock in the company also reportedly paid Bill Clinton $500,000 for a speech in Moscow. 
Eventually, the Russian-Canadian uranium deal was approved.
“Whether the donations played any role in the approval of the uranium deal is unknown,” the Times writes..."
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