Monday, March 09, 2020

The Morning Briefing: Burn Commie Academia to the Ground

The Morning Briefing: Burn Commie Academia to the Ground
"...Higher education in America is a pathetic, roiling cesspool of leftist lunacy that works feverishly to mint new socialists/communists/whatever every day right under our noses.
See the source imageWe are now seeing disturbing manifestations of the success of this indoctrination mill, from the fact that socialism has gone fairly -- if not quite completely -- mainstream, to the overwhelming intolerance exhibited towards conservative students and speakers on American college campuses.
My friend and colleague Jeff Reynolds wrote yesterday about a study that came out a couple of weeks ago which I had wanted to get to then but was probably distracted by the fact that my liver was in training for CPAC.
The study found that conservative students on college campuses tend to self-censor their political opinions out of fear of backlash from their increasingly unhinged leftist peers..."
Read all.

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