Sunday, March 08, 2020

You ought to know, that's just the STATE money!-----Michigan Capitol Confidential - Posts

Michigan Capitol Confidential - Posts
The MEA supports its “inadequate funding claims” by focusing on just one school revenue source, which is the per-pupil statefoundation allowance” that follows students to whatever public school they attend.
Using only the foundation allowance ignores millions of dollars in other state funding that also goes to school districts. 
For example, in 2018-19 Wayne-Westland received an additional $5.4 million from the state for “at risk” students. 
That “at-risk” money is not part of the foundation allowance.
When reviewing all of the state dollars that Wayne-Westland has received over the past nine years, it has increased faster than inflation.
In 2009-10, Wayne-Westland received the equivalent in 2019 dollars of $7,665 in per-pupil state foundation allowance dollars. 
By 2018-19 this had risen by $680, to $8,645 per student."

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