Saturday, April 18, 2020

China Reopens Wet Markets with World Health Organization’s Blessing

Eating dog meat to mark the summer solstice is a tradition in China's Guangxi provinceChina Reopens Wet Markets with World Health Organization’s Blessing
"China’s notorious “wet markets,” the open-air wildlife slaughterhouses that were supposedly the mechanism for the Wuhan coronavirus jumping from animals to humans, are back in business with the approval of the World Health Organization (WHO).
The WHO seal of approval stunned government officials and health experts around the globe.
Chinese state media outlets were delighted to announce the ostensibly “sanitized” wet markets are open again in provinces across China – including Wuhan, epicenter of the global pandemic that killed thousands of people and inflicted trillions of dollars in economic damage. 
According to the state-run Global Timessome of the wet markets never closed at all...
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