Sunday, April 26, 2020

Cuomo's Decision to Hire McKinsey Raises Concerns over Firm's Ties to China

Cuomo's Decision to Hire McKinsey Raises Concerns over Firm's Ties to China:

Image result for flickr commons images China Flag“As part of Cuomo’s effort, McKinsey & Company is producing models on coronavirus testing, infections and other key data points that along with other research and expert opinions will help underpin decisions on how and when to reopen the region’s economy,” Reuters’ Jarrett Renshaw reported on April 15. “Dani Lever, communications director for Cuomo, said McKinsey has been primarily helping New York analyze the COVID-19 surge, such as hospital capacity and infection rates.”
Democrat governors nationwide have come under scrutiny for outside firms they have hired to handle data with regard to the coronavirus pandemic. In Michigan, for instance, Democrat Gov. Gretchen Whitmer’s administration faced serious criticism for hiring Democrat Party political consultants to handle private medical information of coronavirus patients. Whitmer’s state government hired “Great Lakes Community Engagement,” a company with deep ties to Democrat political activists in the state, to handle contact tracing for people who may have come in contact with someone who tested positive for the virus.

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