Thursday, April 30, 2020

Destroying our hospitals!---Mayo Clinic to furlough or reduce pay of 30,000 employees | Business |

Image result for mayo clinic layoffsMayo Clinic to furlough or reduce pay of 30,000 employees | Business |
"Mayo Clinic is furloughing or reducing the hours of about 42 percent of its 70,000 employees across all of its campuses in an attempt to mitigate the financial losses from the COVID-19 pandemic.
..."Approximately 30,000 staff from across all Mayo locations will receive reduced hours or some type of furlough, though the duration will vary depending on the work unit," according to a statement on Wednesday from spokeswoman Ginger Plumbo.
...Hospitals on the Rochester campus are operating at 35 to 40 percent capacity, and surgical volume is at 25 to 30 percent of the level that was expected..."
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