Tuesday, April 07, 2020

Fans of Best of the Web Today

Fans of Best of the Web Today
"The anti-Trump media continues to report that the President is "pushing" an "unapproved" drug (hydroxychloroquine) as a therapy for COVID-19 as if off-label use of drugs is unique and uncommon.
It isn't unique or uncommon.
According to the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, an agency of the Department of Health and Human Services, one in five of every outpatient prescription written in the US is for a use other than for which the drug was approved.
The FDA regulates drug approval, not drug prescription. Doctors are free to prescribe any drug for any reason they deem medically appropriate.
I don't know if the drug is effective or not - but what is amazing is the broadly negative reaction to even the mention of it by the media, simply because the President mentioned it - especially in light of evidence it is helping in some cases and even the President is not advocating use without the advice of a physician.
And yet, this is a media that has never met a fad diet or a "fluid" gender they didn't buy into and report as fact.
Trump's opposition apparently doesn't want anything helpful to come forward, they just want to be mad and for Trump to be wrong - even if it hurts people."

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