Today's Americans and Yesteryear's Americans, by Walter E.Williams | Creators Syndicate
"Dr. Victor Davis Hanson... starts with some observations and questions regarding the greatness of previous generations compared with today's Americans.
He asks: "Does anyone believe that contemporary Americans could build another transcontinental railroad in six years?
... America went to the moon in 1969 with supposedly primitive computers and backward engineering.
Does anyone believe we could launch a similar moonshot today?"
...In terms of learning, Hanson asks whether anyone believes that a 2020 college graduate knows half of what a 1950 graduate knew.
In the 1940s, he says, young people read the works of William Faulkner, F. Scott Fitzgerald, Pearl Buck and John Steinbeck.
He doubts that today's high school graduates could even finish "The Good Earth" or "The Grapes of Wrath."
...Hanson's second article asks whether our response to the COVID-19 epidemic will be that of a "roaring giant" or "crying baby." ...
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