Saturday, May 09, 2020

Fans of Best of the Web Today

Fans of Best of the Web Today--Michael Smith
"In a way, America is getting a taste of life under a centrally planned, collectivist economy and government. 
Over the past few weeks:
- People are only allowed to do the things a very few "experts" sanctioned by the state think are proper.
Image result for who is john galt- Voluminous regulations are created covering every aspect of daily life and then arbitrarily and capaciously enforced.
- Those in and of the state exempt themselves from the regulations enforced on the people.
- The people bear the burden of the mistakes of the state and its experts, the state and the experts never are held accountable.
- Fear is used both as a motivator and a control.
- Enforcement is often militaristic and excessive (Meal Team 6 rolling out in an MRAP with body armor and AR-15's shutting down a small bar in Texas).
- The state has assumed control over the economy.
- The only sectors of our economy allowed to operate are those the state deems "necessary". Ayn Rand or not, we are living among the pages of Rand's opus, "Atlas Shrugged".
...Take our current situation and then imagine what would happen if the Electoral College were abolished in favor of a national popular vote.
"Who is John Galt?" seems an appropriate question these days."
Read all!!

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