Sunday, May 17, 2020

Unintended consequence?-----High unemployment is what the economy ends up with when unemployment pays more than going to work - American Experiment

High unemployment is what the economy ends up with when unemployment pays more than going to work - American Experiment
"I have written before regarding the issue of restaurants having to compete with unemployment in order to attract workers
...But the pandemic stands to make this problem worse because unemployment payouts are much higher than wages, especially at a time when small businesses need workers to return to work in order for the economy to recover.
Roughly 40% of workers are theoretically poised to make more from unemployment than they do at their regular jobs. 
...Very few people would willingly make that choice and we are already seeing the consequences of that.
While businesses are opening up, smaller businesses are having a hard time attracting workers to go back. 
Some restaurants for instance are more reluctant to ask their workers to return
This is because they know, at this particular moment in time they cannot afford to pay their workers more than unemployment is paying them...
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