Friday, June 05, 2020

Bill Barr: DOJ Has Evidence Antifa, ‘Foreign Actors’ Among Groups Responsible For Violence At Protests | The Daily Caller

Image result for flickr commons images william barrBill Barr: DOJ Has Evidence Antifa, ‘Foreign Actors’ Among Groups Responsible For Violence At Protests | The Daily Caller:

Attorney General Bill Barr said Monday that the Justice Department has gathered evidence showing that antifa and “foreign actors” are among the groups responsible for the violence undermining peaceful George Floyd protests.
Barr told reporters during a Thursday press conference that there are three separate sets of people taking part in the protests: peaceful demonstrators, looters, and “extremist agitators who are hijacking the protests to pursue their own separate and violent agenda.”

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

And the odds that Barr or anybody else will take any action against them are approximately ZERO. Been promised action for decades. I will listen when I see some action.

Subotai Bahadur