Wednesday, June 03, 2020

George Floyd Protests: Police Shooting “Epidemic” of Unarmed Black Men Is Fiction | National Review

George Floyd Protests: Police Shooting “Epidemic” of Unarmed Black Men Is Fiction | National Review
"Rioters and their enablers claim that the present disorder is justified by an epidemic of police shootings of unarmed black men.
Image result for Roland Fryer police violence,But no such epidemic exists.
...We are asked to believe that the beatings and the violence are the only recourse available to beleaguered people who have time and again been denied justice by the civil authorities.
Some say that this is the comeuppance due to a society that subjugates its people, that the immolated AutoZone and the burgled Target are monuments to our neglect. 
...But the rioters and looters and their apologists are advancing a more specific claim still: that Floyd’s death is not just an individual tragedy worthy of particular outrage, but part of an epidemic of lethal violence perpetrated against unarmed black men by police officers.
That such tragedies happen with startling frequency.
That black men cannot leave the house without getting shot by racist cops.
“It’s important to be here today because we’re dying,” one protester told the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel.
“It’s an epidemic.”
This is not supported by the data...
Read all.

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