- Because the left’s demand for racism far exceeds the supply, the NASCAR “noose” is just the latest noose hoax to be perpetrated on America by the Woke Taliban and its fake news media.
We all knew it was a hoax because it’s always a hoax.
Every single hate crime blown up by the media almost always end up being a hoax.
I’ve literally lost count of how many hoax hate crimes the media and their Woke Taliban allies have victimized this country with over the years.
It’s just hoax after hoax after hoax after more than a hundred hoaxes: White Hispanics, Hands Up, Don’t Shoot; Rolling Stone, Covington, Kavanaugh, Very Nice People, and now the NASCAR noose…
This isn’t even the first noose hoax!
Below is the most complete history I could put together of noose hoaxes, and in the interest of time I only went back to 2010.
Look at this disgusting record of liars and hustlers trying to frame America and Americans as racist…
The UC San Diego student reportedly responsible for hanging a noose last week in a campus library issued a public, but anonymous, apology Monday and said she had no racist motivation.[…]“As a minority student who sympathizes with the students that have been affected by the recent issues on campus, I am distraught to know that I have unintentionally added to their pain,” the student wrote. She was suspended Friday and remains under investigation for a possible hate crime. [emphasis added]
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