Monday, July 27, 2020

Thomas Sowell: Black and minority lives would improve if politicians supported charter schools | Fox News

Thomas Sowell: Black and minority lives would improve if politicians supported charter schools | Fox News:
  • The stakes could not be higher for minority youngsters, for whom a decent education is often their one best chance for a better life.
"There was a brief buzz in the media after former Vice President Joe Biden told a Black man that, if he didn't vote for Biden, he wasn't really Black. 
But this was more than just one of Biden's many gaffes.
What really showed how much Biden took the Black vote for granted was his announcement that, when he is president, he would have "a teacher-oriented Department of Education" and charter schools would not receive "a penny of federal money."
Some of us think schools should be student-oriented. 
And official statistics show that students in charter schools in Harlem and other low-income minority communities in New York City pass the statewide mathematics tests at a rate more than 6 times the rate at which traditional public school students...
...Why are teachers unions so opposed to charter schools?
...First of all, most charter school teachers do not belong to teachers unions, while most traditional public school teachers do. Union dues nationwide run into billions of dollars annually...Read all.

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