Monday, August 31, 2020

Exclusive -- Mike Pence: Trump Is 'Last Line of Defense' Against 'Radical Left'

Exclusive -- Mike Pence: Trump Is 'Last Line of Defense' Against 'Radical Left':
Image result for flickr commons images Mike Pence
Vice President Mike Pence told Breitbart News in an exclusive interview on Friday that he believes Donald Trump’s supporters are more enthusiastic now than they were during the 2016 presidential election and that Trump is the “last line of defense” against the “radical left.”
Vice President Pence spoke to Breitbart News as the vice president traveled to Duluth, Minnesota, and Traverse City, Michigan, to rally support for President Trump’s reelection and several down-ticket races, such as conservative John James’s bid to unseat Sen. Gary Peters (D-MI).

The way we were-----Japanese 'Invasion' of America (Part 2 - Canada & Oregon)

Boob-tube-----Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade NBC TV 1959 SD

You media of choice missed this?-----What law abiding, taxpaying Americans want this?...

Janet Shagam - What law abiding, taxpaying Americans want this?...
"What law abiding, taxpaying Americans want this? 
Tolerating this criminal behavior is a complete failure of their local & state governments.
Andy Ngô @MrAndyNgo
This wasn’t widely reported. 
On Wednesday night, around 700 black bloc militants and their supporters rampaged through Oakland, Cal. 
They chanted “death to America” while starting fires and smashing cars and buildings."


Cancel culture ramping up: Rejecting masks, vaccines may soon get you branded mentally ill and ‘banned’ from society –

Cancel culture ramping up: Rejecting masks, vaccines may soon get you branded mentally ill and ‘banned’ from society –
See the source image"Only sociopaths reject the new normal that has been defined for us by our government caretakers. 
Remember that.
If you remember nothing else about the actions taken by governments at all levels since the outbreak of coronavirus, remember that one thing and you will understand the mindset of those driving the fundamental transformation of America.
And it’s not elected politicians who are steering the ship toward a Brave New World but rather the unelected technocrats advising the politicians.
Only someone who is mentally insane could disagree with them because they are the “experts,” right?
Only someone suffering from an untreated social disorder could be against the masks, the lockdowns and the coming vaccines, all meant to protect us from a deadly virus threatening to overwhelm hospitals and funeral homes and hollow out entire populations...Much more here, read all!

Kelley Paul delivers blunt message to media for calling 'bloodthirsty mob' peaceful protesters - TheBlaze

Image result for flickr commons images Kelley and Rand PaulKelley Paul delivers blunt message to media for calling 'bloodthirsty mob' peaceful protesters - TheBlaze:

Kelley Paul, the wife of Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.), delivered a blunt message to the media and Joe Biden's campaign for refusing to denounce the "bloodthirsty mob" that attacked her and Sen. Paul.

Looting Goes Mainstream on NPR | Power Line

In Defense of LootingLooting Goes Mainstream on NPR | Power Line
"With lawlessness and organized looting threatening to take down Joe Biden (which is why I’ve been calling the riots “spontaneous pro-Trump rallies”—have they filed their in-kind contribution reports with the FEC by the way?), we’ve seen leading Democrats like AOC say looting is just desperate people trying to get necessities. 
Like flat screen TVs and Nike shoes, though I haven’t been able to find the FDA’s nutritional guidance on any of these necessities.
In any case, NPR on Thursday offered an extended interview with Vicky Osterweil, author of a brand new book, In Defense of Looting. 
Here are some highlights from the interview:
For people who haven’t read your book, how do you define looting?
When I use the word looting, I mean the mass expropriation of property, mass shoplifting during a moment of upheaval or riot. That’s the thing I’m defending. . .
Can you talk about rioting as a tactic? What are the reasons people deploy it as a strategy?

It's hard to believe this isn't a joke.

Janet Shagam - It's hard to believe this isn't a joke.
It's hard to believe this isn't a joke. 
How could anyone NOT call them riots?

Image may contain: one or more people, text that says 'Chris Cillizza @CillizzaCNN 4h Trump's efforts to label what is happening in major cities as "riots" speaks at least somewhat to his desperation, politically speaking, at the moment ML.AI'

Lunch video-----Thomas Sowell - A Brief History of Slavery [Link to Book in Description ...


Sexual assault criminal complaint against Jacob Blake emerges in its entirety — and it is horrific - TheBlaze

Sexual assault criminal complaint against Jacob Blake emerges in its entirety — and it is horrific - TheBlaze:

Details of a a highly disturbing criminal complaint against Jacob Blake have emerged.
A Kenosha, Wisconsin, police officer shot Blake in the back at least seven times on Sunday following a call for a domestic dispute. His father told the Chicago Sun-Times that Blake is paralyzed from the waist down.
Blake's shooting only added fuel to the already out-of-control fire lit by the police killing of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, and others involved in instances of apparent police brutality.
What are the details?

It's the democrat way!

Clarice Feldman - jimmyk reminds us of Tocqueville's warning:...

Clarice Feldman - jimmyk reminds us of Tocqueville's warning:...
"jimmyk reminds us of Tocqueville's warning:
'Society will develop a new kind of servitude which covers the surface of society with a network of complicated rules, through which the most original minds and the most energetic characters cannot penetrate. 
It does not tyrannize but it compresses, enervates, extinguishes, and stupefies a people, till each nation is reduced to nothing better than a flock of timid and industrious animals, of which the government is the shepherd'."

#1 Movie This week 1958-----The Vikings Official Trailer #1 - Tony Curtis Movie (1958) HD

4 Life-Threatening Unintended Consequences of the Lockdowns - Foundation for Economic Education

See the source image4 Life-Threatening Unintended Consequences of the Lockdowns - Foundation for Economic Education
"When policymakers across the country decided to “lock down” in response to the March outbreak of the novel coronavirus, they took a leap into the unknown.
Not only did we know little about COVID-19 itself at that time, but we knew almost nothing about how shutting down nearly all of society would affect people.
...But in the months since, we’ve seen many other dire consequences stem from the unprecedented shutdown of society.
Future public health policy should take these four life-threatening unintended consequences of COVID-19 lockdowns into account.
  • 1) Massive Spikes in Suicide Rates and Mental Health Crises...Read all.

#1 This day 1975-----Glen Campbell - Rhinestone Cowboy (Official Music Video)

Oops: It Looks Like the Vast Majority of Positive COVID Results Should Have Been Negative

See the source imageOops: It Looks Like the Vast Majority of Positive COVID Results Should Have Been Negative
" we're learning the overwhelming majority of those who have tested positive for the coronavirus should really have been found negative after all.
According to The New York Times, potentially 90 percent of those who have tested positive for COVID-19 have such insignificant amounts of the virus present in their bodies that such individuals do not need to isolate nor are they candidates for contact tracing. 
Leading public health experts are now concerned that overtesting is responsible for misdiagnosing a huge number of people with harmless amounts of the virus in their systems.
...If the coronavirus has made one thing clear, it's that so-called "scientists" and "experts" are wrong all the time. 

  • They can't accurately forecast a virus, 
  • they tell us different things about the effectiveness of a face mask, 
  • they insist the virus can't spread at leftwing protests, and 
  • there's a myriad of other examples too long to document here 
showing us the "experts" are really just making it all up as they go along, with their political biases on display for everyone with eyes to see."

Wow! New Yorkers leaving the sinking "ship".

No photo description available.

And the dems are proud of this!

Image may contain: text that says 'Will Chamberlain @willchamberlain The Democrat platform: You don't need your guns, because you should call the police Defund the police, because they make criminals unsafe If you defend yourself from a criminal using lethal force, we will prosecute you 9:31 AM Aug 28, 020 Twitter for iPhone'

Rioting in U.S. Cities—5 Reasons Why Violent Radicals Feel Emboldened | The Heritage Foundation

Image result for free clip art failedRioting in U.S. Cities—5 Reasons Why Violent Radicals Feel Emboldened | The Heritage Foundation:

The organized violence plaguing Portland and other cities has already lasted longer than Kid Rock’s marriage to Pamela Anderson. And there is no sign that the deliberate attacks will end any time soon.
Indeed, the looting, threats, arson, assaults, intimidation, and extortion seem to be spreading, now reaching into smaller cities and suburbs. Here are five reasons these emboldened and increasingly violent radicals pose a very real threat to safety on our streets and equal protection under the law.

Media Didn't Report What It's Really Like In Kenosha, Wisconsin, So I Will

Evita DuffyMedia Didn't Report What It's Really Like In Kenosha, Wisconsin, So I Will:
  • The scene on Tuesday night was something I had only seen in photos of war-torn countries. Men and women stood with baseball bats, hand-guns, semi-automatic rifles, and shotguns in front of their businesses and homes.
"...Kenosha became a very different place after police shot Jacob Blake in the back seven times. 
...Fire and looting consumed uptown and downtown Kenosha, and Steil said the city was no longer the “Kenosha we know.”
In uptown Kenosha, on Tuesday night, a woman, who said she has lived in Kenosha for more than 40 years, broke down in tears, saying her city felt like a “war zone” and she was “terrified.”
Indeed, the scene on Tuesday night was something I had only seen in photos of war-torn countries. 
Men and women stood with baseball bats, hand-guns, semi-automatic rifles, and shotguns in front of their businesses and homes. 
Many Kenoshans explained to me that law enforcement lacked the necessary numbers of officers to control the situation, forcing them to focus on defending public buildings, such as the courthouse, leaving citizens to fend for themselves...Many more videos here. Read all.

AM Fruitcake

History for August 31

See the source image
History for August 31 -
Caligula (Gaius Julius Caesar Augustus Germanicus) 0012, Arthur Godfrey 1903, Buddy Hackett 1924
Image result for caligula quotesImage result for arthur godfrey quotesImage result for Buddy Hackett

Frank Robinson 1935, Eldridge Cleaver 1935, Richard Gere 1949
Image result for Frank RobinsonImage result for Eldridge Cleaver PantsImage result for Richard Gere Younger

1920 - The first news program to be broadcast on radio was aired. The station was 8MK in Detroit, MI.
Image result for first news program to be broadcast on radio was aired. The station was 8MK in Detroit, MI.

1920 - John Lloyd Wright was issued a patent for "Toy-Cabin Construction," which are known as Lincoln Logs. (U.S. patent 1,351,086)
Image result for "Toy-Cabin Construction," which are known as Lincoln Logs.

Sunday, August 30, 2020

‘Totally Lawless Situation’: Father Of Man Killed In CHOP Files $3 Billion In Claims Against Local Government | The Daily Caller

‘Totally Lawless Situation’: Father Of Man Killed In CHOP Files $3 Billion In Claims Against Local Government | The Daily Caller:

Image result for Wikicommons images Seattle CHOPThe father of a young man killed in Seattle’s Capitol Hill Organized Protest (CHOP) zone has filed $3 billion in claims against King County, the city of Seattle, and Washington state.
Horace Anderson filed the lawsuit Thursday over the death of his 19-year-old son, Horace Lorenzo Anderson, alleging that the local government’s “inactions” and actions created a “hazardous, and lawless situation” that resulted in his son’s death, KING 5 news reported from a statement by the law firm representing Anderson.

The way we were-----The Great Irish Famine - documentary (1996)

Boob-tube-----Adventure in Manhattan (1936) Jean Arthur, Joel McCrea

Imagine if a republican said this.---Hillary: ‘Biden Should Not Concede Under Any Circumstances’ - Citizens for Self-Governance

Image result for hillary stealing election
Hillary: ‘Biden Should Not Concede Under Any Circumstances’ - Citizens for Self-Governance
"Those of you who are committed to the peaceful transition of power might want to sit down.
Hillary Clinton recently told Jennifer Palmieri, her former campaign communications director, that Joe Biden will “eventually” win the presidential election and should “not concede under any circumstances.”
That phrase “under any circumstances” is what sounded the alarm for many – sounds a little unAmerican, doesn’t it?  Here’s her full quote:
Joe Biden should not concede under any circumstances because I think this is gonna’ drag out and eventually I do believe he will win if we don’t give an inch.”
Read all.



"Flashback: Bernie Bro James T. Hodgkinson, Attempted Assassin Of Steve Scalise, Already Being Erased From History. 
And additional examples of leftist violence and eliminationist rhetoric at the link.
UPDATE: Flashback: Pelosi Worried About Angry Health Care Rhetoric. 
She’s not worried that angry rhetoric will lead to violence as such. 
She just wants the violence to be against the right people.--Posted by 

Black Lives Matter protesters exchange gunfire with property owners amid march to DC - TheBlaze

Black Lives Matter protesters exchange gunfire with property owners amid march to DC - TheBlaze:

Image result for flickr commons images Washington D.C.State police said a property owner contacted authorities just after 11 p.m. about a group of people in a private business parking lot, and troopers later learned about 30 activists had been traveling on foot and in vehicles from Milwaukee to Washington, D.C., the station said.
About 11:35 p.m. at the same location — and prior to police arrival — the property owners confronted the activists, police added, according to WTAE. One police official told reporters that "he had asked them to leave, and they wouldn't leave."

Expect to see "Approved for Looting" badges issued by the new officials who replaced the cops.---California DA Says Cops Must Consider if Looters 'Needed' Stolen Property Before They Can Charge Them With Looting - DJHJ Media

Progressive DAs want to decriminalize crime.California DA Says Cops Must Consider if Looters 'Needed' Stolen Property Before They Can Charge Them With Looting - DJHJ Media
"...Law enforcement officers have to consider if looters “needed” the stolen merchandise before charging them, according to new guidance issued by leftist lunatic Diana Becton, the first-term Costa County District Attorney supported by George Soros, the far-left, anti American billionaire...."Read all.

What Fascism in America looks like

Dan Crenshaw
  • This is what fascism looks like
"When leftists like this shout “no justice, no peace,” it’s not about true justice, it’s about power.
Give them power, or they won’t give you peace.
Join the mob, or they won’t give you peace.
Do what they say, when they say it, or they won’t give you peace.
This is fascism."

Lunch video-----Discrimination and Disparities with Thomas Sowell


Biden Supporters Use Guillotine to Chop 'Trump's' Head Off - Louder With Crowder

Biden Supporters Use Guillotine to Chop 'Trump's' Head Off - Louder With Crowder:

I can remember four years ago, people in Indiana had an offensive effigy of Barack Obama in a parade. It became a national news story. All Republicans were forced to denounce it. All Trump supporters were smeared over it, including Trump himself. I bring this up because last night, Biden supporters chopped Donald Trump's head off in effigy, using a guillotine. Because that's how Biden supporters do now....

This should be funny. It isn't.

No trial needed, he's GUILTY...right?-----Sean Malone - This stuff is insane.

Sean Malone - This stuff is insane. Facebook and Twitter are also...
"This stuff is insane. Facebook and Twitter are also blocking certain types of commentary about this situation, but the videos are very clear that Kyle Rittenhouse was being attacked from the beginning and defending himself.
In the last couple days, even more videos have come out, showing his attackers harassing people and starting fights, while Kyle was offering help and medical assistance to BLM protesters.
...GoFundMe and rival site Fundly have both removed funding campaigns for Kyle Rittenhouse, the 17-year-old charged with first degree homicide after shooting three rioters in Kenosha, Wisconsin, on Tuesday night"....Read all.

GoFundMe and rival site Fundly have both removed funding campaigns for Kyle Rittenhouse, the 17-year-old charged with first degree homicide after shooting three rioters in Kenosha, Wisconsin, on Tuesday night.

You seeing the plan here?

Will the "green-power" loons be able to stop this?-----What is High-Assay Low-Enriched Uranium (HALEU)? | Department of Energy

What is High-Assay Low-Enriched Uranium (HALEU)? | Department of Energy
"More than 20 U.S. companies are developing advanced reactors that will completely change the way we think about the nuclear industry.
Most of these new reactor designs will be smaller, more flexible and less expensive to build and operate.
Some of them may consume used nuclear fuel or help bring clean water and reliable power to communities never thought possible...Read all.

#1 This day 1961-----The Highwaymen - Michael (Row The Boat Ashore)

CHANGE: Exxon Mobil dropped from the Dow after nearly a century.

Instapundit Blog Archive CHANGE: Exxon Mobil dropped from the Dow after nearly a century. “Exxon Mobil, which joined the Do…
CHANGE: Exxon Mobil dropped from the Dow after nearly a century. “Exxon Mobil, which joined the Dow Jones Industrial Average in 1928, is being removed from the blue-chip stock market index. 
Its replacement: enterprise software company”
(Via NewsAlert.)--Posted by 

Special rules for the elites. Not so much for us little people.

Rand Paul Attacked By Protestors Outside of the White House - Louder With Crowder

Image result for flickr commons images Rand PaulRand Paul Attacked By Protestors Outside of the White House - Louder With Crowder:

Among the people "peaceful protestors" were violently attacking Thursday night were Rand Paul and his wife. He's a Republican, so you probably won't see demands from CNN and MSNBC for Democrats to denounce this. But this was the scene.

Josh Glancy on Twitter: "Spent the last 36 hours walking around Kenosha in a daze.

Josh Glancy on Twitter: "...Large swathes of the city are indistinguishable from a war zone. 
Much here, read all!