Saturday, September 05, 2020

History for September 5

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History for September 5 -
Louis XIV (King of France) 1638 - Known as Louis the Great or Sun King, Bob Newhart 1929 - Actor, comedian (The Bob Newhart Show), Raquel Welch 1940 - Actress
Image result for louis xiv quotesImage result for Bob Newhart youngImage result for Raquel Welch 72 Poster

Freddie Mercury (Queen) 1946, Cathy Lee Guisewaite 1950 - Cartoonist ("Cathy"), Michael Keaton 1951 - Actor ("Batman")
Image result for Freddie Mercury youngImage result for Cathy CartoonImage result for Michael Keaton as Batman

1793 - In France, the "Reign of Terror" began. The National Convention enacted measures to repress the French Revolutionary activities.
Image result for portland riots

1836 - Sam Houston was elected as the first president of the Republic of Texas.
Image result for sam houston quotes

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