Tuesday, October 06, 2020

"Some" students could do anything AND everything!-----Some students could ‘fall through the cracks’ without in-person learning - mlive.com

Media morons using "some...", "not all experts agree..." or "not everyone will benefit equally..." are simply fools with no business writing or speaking to anyone with half a brain!
Some students could ‘fall through the cracks’ without in-person learning - mlive.com
"Bill Ernzen’s 17-year-old daughter Nicola Ernzen has been frustrated with learning online.
Nicola, who was diagnosed with autism at 5 years old, misses the daily routine of waking up, taking her medicine, eating breakfast, and going to school to see her teachers and friends. 
Adjusting to learning online has been hard, and the Bloomfield Township teen’s family is worried her educational needs won’t be met...Don't read all.

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