Saturday, October 03, 2020

Why Wind & Solar Are Pointless: ‘Renewables Will Power Us’ Myth, Smashed Again – STOP THESE THINGS

Why Wind & Solar Are Pointless: ‘Renewables Will Power Us’ Myth, Smashed Again – STOP THESE THINGS
"It takes a special brand of delusion to believe that we’re a heartbeat away from an all wind and sun powered future. 
But that’s the premise advanced by wind and sun worshippers and the rent seekers that profit from the greatest subsidy scam in human history.
Putting aside their chaotic intermittency, the staggering amount of resources required to build and construct wind turbines and solar panels, there’s the inherently diffuse nature of wind and solar power. Land use is just another issue which the renewable energy crowd brush away with a sniff and a shrug.
Atte Harjanne and Janne Korhonen take a different view, with a detailed analysis of why wind and solar are worse than pointless.
  • Abandoning the concept of renewable energy-Energy Policy (127, pp.330-340)-Atte Harjanne and Janne Korhonen-Abstract
Renewable energy is a widely used term that describes certain types of energy production. 
In politics, business and academia, renewable energy is often framed as the key solution to the global climate challenge. 
We, however, argue that the concept of renewable energy is problematic and should be abandoned in favor of more unambiguous conceptualization...
4.1 Renewable does not mean sustainable
Renewable energy is often associated strongly with sustainability. 
To consider whether renewable energy is sustainable, we first need to define what we understand as sustainability...Read all!

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